Our mission is the?Worldwide?Eradication?of?FGM.
FGM/C stands for Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting, aka Female Circumcision
Defined As The Ritual Removal Of Some Or All Of The External Female Genitalia
Classified In Four Types By Degrees Of Severity From Cutting To Mutilation
Typically Carried Out By A Traditional Circumciser Using A Razor Blade
Usually Without Anesthesia
Widely In 27 African Countries, Yemen And Iraqi Kurdistan
Extensively In Asia And The Middle East
Regularly Within Diaspora Communities Around The Globe
40 Million Women In Egypt Today Live With The Effects Of FGM/C
98% Of Women In Somalia Receive The Severest Type III Or IV FGM/C
Exclusively On Young Girls Often Within Days After Birth And Most Usually Prior To Puberty
In 2011 Alone, (Latest Available UNICEF Statistics), Over 23 Million Girls Were Cut
UN Estimates?200 Million Girls And Women Worldwide Are Living With The ?Physical And Psychological Effects Of Female (FGM/C)
WHO Estimates More Than 20 Million Girls Remain At Risk Annually
AMNESTY Estimates Over 180 Thousand Girls Within The Western Diaspora Are Also Annually Cut
Imkaan is a UK-based, black feminist organisation. We are the?only national second-tier women?s organisation dedicated to addressing violence against Black and 'Minority Ethnic' (BME) women and girls.
The organisation holds nearly two decades of experience of working around issues such as domestic violence, forced marriage and ?honour-based? violence. We work at local, national and international level, and in partnership with a range of organisations, to improve policy and practice responses to BME women and girls.
Imkaan works with its members to represent the expertise and perspectives of frontline, specialist and dedicated BME women?s organisations that work to prevent and respond to violence against women and girls. Imkaan delivers a unique package of support which includes: quality assurance; accredited training and peer education; sustainability support to frontline BME organisations; and facilitation of space for community engagement and development.
Our research activities support the ongoing development of a robust evidence base around the needs and aspirations of BME women and girls, as well as promising practice approaches to addressing violence. Imkaan is at the forefront of programmes and initiatives relating to forms of violence that disproportionately affect BME women and girls.
The Maisha initiative was launched in 2007 with the aim to make visible the contributions of women and role models within the African diaspora in Sweden. The association presents cultural events; seminars, workshops and promotion of cultural exchange between the African continent and Sweden. The major event since 2008 has been the Maisha gala, African Diaspora Awards.
Kf Maisha skapar m?ten och arrangerar evenemang. Vi vill bidra till att berika bilden av Afrika och den afrikanska diasporan genom kultur.
?r 2008 h?lls den f?rsta Maishagalan med syftet att uppm?rksamma de som gjort betydande g?rningar kopplade till den afrikanska kontinenten. Syftet var att berika och nyansera mediebilden av Afrika, synligg?ra kvinnor samt lyfta fram f?rebilder inte minst dagens unga. Projektet utmynnade i bildandet av kulturf?reningen Maisha, ett namn som betyder ?liv? p? swahili. F?reningen verkar f?r att skapa fler tillf?llen till m?ten mellan m?nniskor ? f?r vad vore livet utan kultur och m?ten?
Om kulturf?reningen MAISHA
I och med att Kulturf?reningen Maisha bildades breddades verksamheten:
Maishagalan ?r ett ?rligt ?terkommande evenemang d?r flera priser delas ut bland andra i f?ljande kategorier: ?rets inspirat?r, ?rets entrepren?r, ?rets artist, ?rets nykomling och ?rets Diaspora pris. Utm?rkelserna Maishas Hederspris, Hedersomn?mnande samt Pionj?rpris har tidigare delats ut.
Stolt! d?r vi lyfter fram oetablerade unga kulturut?vare och skapar ett forum f?r kultur och dialog. Stolt! h?lls f?r f?rsta g?ngen 2009.
Global Education d?r ambitionen ?r att bidra till en h?llbar samh?llsutveckling.
Kulturprogram med seminarier d?r fokus ?r att uppm?rksamma personer som verkar i den afrikanska diasporans tecken.
Vi samverkar med andra f?reningar och skapar en plattform f?r bildandet av nya n?tverk, d?r m?tet mellan det svenska och afrikanska ?r en del.
Plusgiro: 69 59 31-6 f?r dig som vill st?dja oss med valfritt belopp eller genom att bli medlem.
Bli st?dmedlem! Avgiften f?r medlemskap ?r f?r n?rvarande 100kr/per ?r.
Som medlem f?r du:
Maisha nyhetsbrev flera g?nger per ?r
M?jlighet att delta i olika aktiviteter
Rabatt p? events, seminarier och andra evenemang som vi arrangerar.
Everyone, no matter their age or social background, wants to be happy. We all want to feel safe and accepted in our homes and communities, and we all want to be loved and cared for, this is exactly why we are here!
Love and Care for People is an?organisation?that raises awareness about family violence including among others: Forced Marriage, Reproductive Abuse, Honour Based Violence, Disownment, Child marriage, Abusive Relationships, Spousal Abuse, Intimate Partner Abuse and Child Abuse.
Our services include?counselling, personal development?programmes?that promote the well-being and financial independence of survivors, vocational skills training, recreational services, business and financial skills training, mentoring, coaching?in order to foster confidence and independence.
We connect victims, survivors, and those at risk of family violence and financial instability in a nurturing environment and we provide access to life-changing opportunities that will support them to empower themselves, heal, take ownership, and ultimately transform their lives
The Multicultural Centre is a municipal foundation that is engaged in research, education and cultural activities. The ambitions and goals of the center is to study and promote a society where diversity is reflected in Sweden?s national self-image and where migration is a natural part of the Swedish cultural heritage.
We welcome visitors to our exhibitions, special library, cultural educational workshop for children and caf? and restaurant called ?Tavernan?. The Multicultural Centre also has a publishing house.
Our research profile is multidisciplinary with an emphasis on an ethnographic approach. Our aim is to be a forum and a meeting place for research and artistic expressions focusing on migration as well as on social and cultural diversities of various kinds.
We develop and disseminate knowledge about social and cultural factors that facilitate the creation of a sustainable society.
The Multicultural Centre?s exhibitions offer a forum that enables people from different backgrounds and to meet, exchange ideas in open and inclusive climate. We use various forms of artistic expressions, weather its within art, culture or science; the goal is to enable our visitors to touch on topics in our daily life from different aspects.
Our programs and activities are held in partnership with other, for example associations, networks and NGOs. Our open programs and events are usually on Thursday evenings or Sundays.
Exhibitions at the Multicultural Centre aims to explore the different realities in Sweden and the Swedish self-image and identity.
Multicultural Centre through a historical glance
The Multicultural Centre is a foundation located in and owned by the municipality of Botkyrka (located in the southern part of Stockholm County) which was founded in 1987. The decision was based on a cultural and historical commitment and conviction that contemporary immigration to Sweden is equally as important as the historical emigration from Sweden. The desire is to actively promote a favorable social climate and to increase the knowledge about the new conditions for Swedish society and Swedish institutions that follow in the wake of migration and globalization in the form of research, documentation and exhibits and archives. Botkyrka can in this regard be compared to a seismograph which detects changes in a society that subsequently becomes relevant later on on a national level. The issue of cultural diversity, which in the 1980?s was relatively centered to Botkyrka and other metropolitan areas, is today issues relating to the whole of Sweden.
The Multicultural Centre?s basic subsidies come from the municipality of Botkyrka, the Stockholm County Council (Culture and Education) and the Swedish Arts Council. Our own revenues come from education and research, property rentals for conferences, our museum shop, our caf? and restaurant operations and our publishing house. In addition there is an educational and research unit and there are collaborative projects with for example Botkyrkabyggen, ?Omr?desgruppen? in Fittja, the Nordic Museum, the Historical Museum and S?dert?rn University.
Fittja 147 85
?M?rsh? Women authentic, homemade, soul food creates a place where people eat, meet and greet the world.
It's like traveling without moving.?
Stap een willekeurig locatie binnen waar een buffet van M?rsh? staat opgesteld en je treedt een andere wereld binnen. De zinnenprikkelende geur van exotisch eten tilt je voor even op uit de waan van alledag.
Gastvrouwen in traditionele klederdracht leggen uit welke authentieke gerechten ze voor je hebben bereid. Alleen al de namen doen verlangen naar het moment van opscheppen: Caribische ?piska ku funchi?, Venezolaanse ?ayaka?, West-Afrikaanse jollof rijst en veel meer. Gerechten met geschiedenis.
Veel grote bedrijven, organisaties en particuliere gasten maakten al gebruik van de diensten van M?rsh?, bijvoorbeeld voor hun kerstdiner of verjaardagsfeestje.
Onder het motto Culinair de wereld delen kregen ze niet alleen het eten, maar ook de eetcultuur opgediend. ?Onze recepten bestaan vaak al vele generaties?, zegt concepteigenaar Danitzah Jacobs.
?Ze hebben een geschiedenis die we graag doorvertellen. De mensen zien en proeven dat we het eten met liefde bereiden.? M?rsh? verzorgt wereld gerechten uit Afrika, Caribbean, Suriname en Latijns-Amerika. M?rsh? verzorgt ook publiekscatering op diverse evenementen, zoals Zomercarnaval (Rotterdam, Festival Mundial (Tilburg), North Sea Jazz Festival (Rotterdam) en Antilliaanse Feesten (Hoogstraten).
?M?rsh? Breda ?????.Culinair de wereld delen.?
AS Breda 4826
AS Breda
Nous sommes un collectif Afrof?ministe cr?? en 2014 par un groupe d?Africaines et Afrodescendantes qui ressentaient le besoin de f?d?rer, d??changer et de s?exprimer sur les questions li?es aux Femmes Noires.
Ce collectif non-mixte de Femmes et personnes assign?es Femmes, Noires et m?tisses, lutte contre les violences et diff?rentes oppressions qu?elles subissent. Son approche intersectionnelle des luttes qu?ielles rencontrent, le place sur de nombreux champs de bataille; contre les discriminations li?es ? la classe, au genre, ? la sexualit?, ? la sant?, la religion; contre l?institutionnalisation des dominations h?t?ropatriarcales dans le syst?me capitaliste h?g?monique blanc dans toute sa complexit
My Body Back Project works with women who have experienced sexual violence, regarding their physicality. The project started in August 2014, and supports women who have experienced rape or sexual assault to love and care for their bodies again.
We do this by running specialist services, including a cervical screening clinic and maternity clinic designed especially for women who have experienced sexual violence. Both of these clinics work very sensitively with women, so they feel safe, relaxed, and their individual needs are met.
We also run Café V, which is a quarterly session for women to learn about loving their bodies after violence. These run on a Saturday morning, and are a safe space for those who attend to talk about enjoying sex again – by themselves or with a partner – and any problems they may be experiencing. We do this with lots of tea and cakes on standby, and in a cosy atmosphere.
Last but not least, we’ve created The Clit List, a list of erotic media for people who would like to explore their sexuality using feminist, non-misogynistic and empowering content, curated with women who have experienced sexual violence in mind.
The project is essentially about women reclaiming power over their lives, their bodies and their choices, and we believe that feminism is the driving force behind our vision.
Amsterdam based network for black and POC students & young professionals. Focused on personal development, equality, justice and positivity.
New Urban Collective, afgekort N.U.C., is een sociale onderneming?met de missie jongeren van diverse achtergronden te empoweren. N.U.C. beoogt de positie van jongeren van diverse achtergronden in de Nederlandse maatschappij te bevorderen door instrumenten voor persoonlijke ontwikkeling aan te reiken en het zelfbewustzijn te prikkelen. De organisatie is opgericht en wordt beheerd door een groep gemotiveerde studenten en Young professionals met een hart voor de multiculturele gemeenschap en de Nederlandse samenleving. Op basis van een gedeelde sociaal-culturele achtergrond is N.U.C. een organisatie waar jongeren zichzelf kunnen zijn, zich persoonlijk kunnen ontwikkelen en een bijdrage kunnen leveren aan de samenleving. N.U.C. stimuleert jongeren om groots te denken en te dromen. Door zichzelf uit te dagen zijn jongeren in staat hun talent en potentie ten volle te benutten. N.U.C. gelooft dat jongeren met een attitude gebaseerd op principes als verantwoordelijkheid, integriteit en doorzettingsvermogen de controle kunnen nemen over hun eigen leven om de koers uit te zetten voor een succesvol leven. Door elke dag iets nieuws te leren, elke dag een nieuwe uitdaging aan te gaan en onszelf te ontwikkelen komen we elke dag een stap dichter bij de realisatie van onze dromen.Improve every day!
Amsterdam 1093 SK
Omek is more than connecting African diaspora professionals — it’s about creating a sense of belonging, purpose, and growth.
Our Vision
Founded in 2019, Omek is designed to make connection and collaboration simple for the African diaspora professional and their allies. Our vision is to create a strong network of empowered professionals who are meaningful contributors to the economy and culture.
Our Ecosystem
Omek has built community-centric ecosystem dedicated to the social and professional advancement of the African diaspora.
One pillar of the Black Women In Europe® Social Media Group is to maintain a directory of organizations across Europe that support black women. It is being built now. You will find our directory here. To submit an organization for inclusion (yes, please send them in) email contact@bwiesmg.org.