
Diaspora Women’s Initiative
Organization Area(s) of Expertise
Long Organization Description

Mission,?Aims and Objectives

1)To identify and target migrant women who are passionate about, affected by or infected by HIV/AIDS
2)To offer outreach support services to migrant women on one to one basis
3)To raise awareness and educate the community about the impact of HIV/AIDS
4)To contribute to reduction of the number of new HIV/AIDS infections
5)To challenge the stigma and discrimination around HIV/AIDS
6)To build a community of women organizations, individuals and service providers, both local and international
7)To build the organizational capacity of DWI

Organization Tags
NCP 53 Upper Dorset Street, Dublin 1
Business Address
NCP 53 Upper Dorset Street, Dublin 1
Ifrah Foundation
Organization Name
Organization Area(s) of Expertise
Long Organization Description

Our mission is the?Worldwide?Eradication?of?FGM.

FGM/C stands for Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting, aka Female Circumcision
Defined As The Ritual Removal Of Some Or All Of The External Female Genitalia
Classified In Four Types By Degrees Of Severity From Cutting To Mutilation
Typically Carried Out By A Traditional Circumciser Using A Razor Blade
Usually Without Anesthesia

Widely In 27 African Countries, Yemen And Iraqi Kurdistan
Extensively In Asia And The Middle East
Regularly Within Diaspora Communities Around The Globe

40 Million Women In Egypt Today Live With The Effects Of FGM/C
98% Of Women In Somalia Receive The Severest Type III Or IV FGM/C

Exclusively On Young Girls Often Within Days After Birth And Most Usually Prior To Puberty
In 2011 Alone, (Latest Available UNICEF Statistics), Over 23 Million Girls Were Cut

UN Estimates?200 Million Girls And Women Worldwide Are Living With The ?Physical And Psychological Effects Of Female (FGM/C)
WHO Estimates More Than 20 Million Girls Remain At Risk Annually
AMNESTY Estimates Over 180 Thousand Girls Within The Western Diaspora Are Also Annually Cut

Organization Website Address
Business Address
My Body Back
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Organization Area(s) of Expertise
Long Organization Description

My Body Back Project works with women who have experienced sexual violence, regarding their physicality. The project started in August 2014, and supports women who have experienced rape or sexual assault to love and care for their bodies again.
We do this by running specialist services, including a cervical screening clinic and maternity clinic designed especially for women who have experienced sexual violence. Both of these clinics work very sensitively with women, so they feel safe, relaxed, and their individual needs are met.
We also run Café V, which is a quarterly session for women to learn about loving their bodies after violence. These run on a Saturday morning, and are a safe space for those who attend to talk about enjoying sex again – by themselves or with a partner – and any problems they may be experiencing. We do this with lots of tea and cakes on standby, and in a cosy atmosphere.
Last but not least, we’ve created The Clit List, a list of erotic media for people who would like to explore their sexuality using feminist, non-misogynistic and empowering content, curated with women who have experienced sexual violence in mind.
The project is essentially about women reclaiming power over their lives, their bodies and their choices, and we believe that feminism is the driving force behind our vision.

Organization Website Address
Organization Tags
London & Glasgow
Organization Name
Organization Area(s) of Expertise
Long Organization Description

RISK ??Riksf?reningen stoppa kvinnlig k?nsstympning?arbetar f?r att motarbeta kvinnlig k?nsstympning, KKS.

RISK ?r en ideell organisation som ?r politiskt och religi?st neutral.?RISK har en?styrelse?med 9?medlemmar fr?n olika l?nder i Afrika liksom fr?n Sverige.

Flickors och kvinnors l?ga status ?r ett grundl?ggande problem. D?rf?r driver RISK sitt arbete med information om de h?lsoproblem k?nsstympningen medf?r samtidigt som vi informerar om kvinnors och barns r?ttigheter enligt FN:s konventioner.

Sverige har haft en lag emot omsk?relsen sedan 1982. 1999 sk?rptes straffsatserna och ingreppet kallas k?nsstympning. Numera kan man ocks? straffa den som l?ter g?ra ingreppet i ett annat land, oavsett hur det landets lagstiftning ser ut. Lagen har ?nnu aldrig lett till att n?gon straffats i Sverige.

RISK utbildar informat?rer som arbetar i invandrart?ta f?rorter f?r att sprida information p? det egna spr?ket. De arbetar inom familjecentraler, ?ppna f?rskolor, m?dra- och barnav?rdscentraler liksom via sina egna f?reningar. Inom RISK genomf?rs ?vers?ttningar av informationsmaterial till olika afrikanska spr?k. RISK har?lokala grupper?runt om i landet, G?teborg, Karlstad, Nyk?ping, Stockholm, Uppsala, Ume? och V?xj?.

RISK deltar i ett nationellt ?vergripande arbete kring den kvinnliga k?nsstympningen bl.a. genom ett n?tverk som vi tagit initiativ till. RISK deltar i m?ten och konferenser inom landet som har med k?nsstympning och angr?nsande ?mnen och organiserar ocks? egna seminarier, ibland i samarbete med andra organisationer. Press och media bevakar denna fr?ga och har ofta artiklar i ?mnet. Ett ?kande antal elever i olika utbildningar g?r uppsatser och specialarbeten om KKS och RISK hj?lper till med information.

RISKs stadgar?(PDF-dokument)

Organization Website Address
Organization Name
Organization Area(s) of Expertise
Long Organization Description



Women4africa is a UK registered organisation focused on ?celebrating? and empowering ?Africa and its women by supporting and ?celebrating their role in their communities via Conferences, supporting education and Awarding prestigious awards, recognitions and special honours on such women identified and nominated by the public.

?Women4africa? was birthed from a 20 year desire and passion to see women honoured and appreciated in a celebratory way. Overtime, African women have often been portrayed as victims of poverty, violence, and conflict, amongst other disasters. Beyond advocating and engaging them to fight against these negativities, it is equally important to highlight that African women are also ?agents of positive change? in their communities. It is their sheer determination, ambition, passion, talent, resourcefulness and drive which often forgotten in the stories of this women that Women for Africa intend to promote. We exist to support and encourage African women to excel in all they do.

Africa has over 53 countries and a large number of women who are unique and different in their own individual ways. Women of all walks of life tend to face a lot of challenges in today?s society. However, many African women have been great examples of success worldwide promoting peace in conflict-inflicted areas and contributing to the increased resources in their nations. Our popular ?Women4africa Awards? is one of the many ways we celebrate and honour these powerful women. The Awards is one of our major events held annually at a prestigious London venue where a number of nominated women are awarded for their hard work and creativity.


We work in 3 main areas to support African women and girls. We do this by working and supporting ?key charities, policymakers; engage communities and ?Africans themselves to address this crucial issue. To do this, we put together evidence-based projects focused on awareness raising and support, against the backdrop of our key areas of work.

Organization Website Address
Organization Phone Number
+44203 372 6527
Organization Tags
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Organization Area(s) of Expertise
Long Organization Description

(I)NTACT eV is an aid organization dedicated to the right of girls and women to an intact body.?For almost twenty years, we have been successfully fighting the cruel tradition of female genital mutilation in Africa.

The association was founded at the beginning of 1996 in Saarbr?cken.?The occasion for the engagement and the founding of the association was an official visit by our chairman Christa M?ller in Benin, where she learned about the suffering of the girls and women concerned.?She was asked for help by the wife of the then Benin state president, and she began to raise funds to support local initiatives against the cruel ritual in Benin.

Since its inception, the association has been able to protect numerous girls in West Africa from mutilation.?In Benin, an important success was achieved in 2005: the end of the tradition of female circumcision was solemnly proclaimed in a state act.?In 2012, the people of Togo were able to celebrate the abolition of tradition.

Organization Website Address
Organization Phone Number
Saargem?nder Stra?e 95
66119 Saarbr?cken 66119
Business Address
Saargem?nder Stra?e 95
66119 Saarbr?cken
African Women’s Organization
Organization Area(s) of Expertise
Long Organization Description

African Women's Organization in Vienna
The African Women?s Organization in Vienna is a non-governmental organization established in 1996 by African women from Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan, Nigeria, Senegal, Egypt and other African countries. Membership is open to all interested in the welfare of women.?It works jointly with other non-governmental organizations as well as government agencies and offices involved with the welfare of women and immigrants.
Objectives of the Organization
The main objectives of the Organization include:

Creating awareness and appreciation of the various political, economic, social and traditional problems women face in different societies;
Creating and promoting understanding and accommodation among different cultures and societies in the community;
Assisting and providing consultancy in the integration of immigrant women.
Promotion of good and beneficial cultures and traditions.
Campaigning against harmful traditional practices affecting the health of women and children.

Integration and promotion of culture:
The Organization carries out cultural exchanges, traditional shows, exhibitions, seminars, discussions to implement this programme.

Campaign against harmful traditional practices:
Since 1998 the campaign against female genital mutilation (FGM) became the organization?s area of priority. Its aim is through awareness and change of values prevent its practice among immigrant population originating from FGM risk countries.

Activities include

Updating the status of FGM practice among immigrants in Austria.
Creating awareness and understanding of the nature and magnitude of the problem both among the local community and immigrants. It is a continuous and target specific exercise and addresses various aspects of FGM: origin and justification, health and medical consequences, political, legal, social and cultural aspects.
Provide information and resource material to students, researchers and media people.
Provide consultation to FGM victims.
Prepare an FGM training aid kit and train trainers.
Strengthen communication and cooperation with FGM European network.

Membership and cooperation
The African Women?s Organization is a sector of the Inter-African Committee and its representative in Austria.?It is a member of the European FGM Network.?In the past, A.W.O. has also, in partnership with RISK (Sweden) and VON (the Netherlands), run a EU Daphne funded project.

Organization Website Address
Schwarzspanier Strasse 15/1/2
A-1090 Vienna,
Austria A-1090
Business Address
Schwarzspanier Strasse 15/1/2
A-1090 Vienna,
Stop Mutilation e.V.
Organization Name
Organization Area(s) of Expertise
Long Organization Description

The main focus of our work is with the help of affected women and the protection of girls from the mutilation of their genitals.?We carry out projects in Germany and in the Somalian region of Puntland.?In North Rhine-Westphalia, we have the only counseling center for women and girls who are affected or threatened by genital dissection.?We go to the schools and clarify to young people about the topic of female genital circumcision.?We also organize apprenticeships for educational, medical and legal specialists in order to inform and raise awareness.?In Somalia, we are building a women's clinic and conducting reconnaissance campaigns, re-training of female mothers and a school project for refugee children.

Organization Website Address
Organization Phone Number
+49 (211) 93885791
Organization Fax
+49 (211) 93885793
Himmelgeister Str. 107a
D-40225 D?sseldorf D-40225
Business Address
Himmelgeister Str. 107a
D-40225 D?sseldorf
FORWARD ? Germany e.V.
Organization Name
Organization Area(s) of Expertise
Long Organization Description

Foundation for Women's Health, Research, and Development

There are numerous forms of ritual violence that women and girls are subjected to worldwide.?Violence and violations of human rights that are inflicted on them include, among others, the mutilation of their genitals, in the language of the World Health Organization: female genital mutilation: FGM.

Our international and non-profit organization was established in 1998 to engage globally in ending this harmful form of traditional practices.?We support the most diverse projects in the prevalent countries, which are suitable to strengthen women and are active in the country to support women who have suffered FGM as well as girls who are at risk.

If you have any questions,
You need advice,
Would you like a seminar,
A lecture in your school,
Train your staff,
Preventive action,
You need medical assistance,
A conversation,
Or a decision-making aid

Organization Website Address
Organization Phone Number
0049 69 13826078
Dr. Tobe Levin Freifrau von Gleichen
Martin-Luther Str. 35
D-60389 Frankfurt/M. D-60389
Business Address
Dr. Tobe Levin Freifrau von Gleichen
Martin-Luther Str. 35
D-60389 Frankfurt/M.