Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Women’s Wellness Initiative in Sweden

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My name is Soror Lind. I am a member of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Welcome to the information page for the Women’s Wellness Initiative I am running in Sweden. I am a military wife and a member of our Sorority’s Military Initiatives Ad Hoc Committee Task Force. I am the lead for coordinating and maintaining contact with our active duty and retired Sorors and military family outside of the United States.

Since joining our illustrious Sorority in 2020, this is my first international service project. I chose Women’s and Girls Shelters across Sweden that serve domestic abuse victims. Why is this important? Here are some facts from the World Health Organization.

Violence against women

Key facts – Here is the source and link for more information.
  • Violence against women – particularly intimate partner violence and sexual violence – is a major public health problem and a violation of women’s human rights.
  • Estimates published by WHO indicate that globally about 1 in 3 (30%) of women worldwide have been subjected to either physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence in their lifetime.
  • Most of this violence is intimate partner violence. Worldwide, almost one-third (27%) of women aged 15-49 years who have been in a relationship report that they have been subjected to some form of physical and/or sexual violence by their intimate partner.
  • Violence can negatively affect women’s physical, mental, sexual, and reproductive health, and may increase the risk of acquiring HIV in some settings.
  • Violence against women is preventable. The health sector has an important role to play to provide comprehensive health care to women subjected to violence, and as an entry point for referring women to other support services, they may need.

Additional shelters to support may be added. Some shelters provide housing, while others offer different services. You are able to choose which shelter you want to support by either donating hygiene articles or money directly to the shelter.

In Sweden, women’s and girls’ shelters are organized by Roks.

Roks, the National Organisation for Women’s Shelters and Young Women’s Shelters in Sweden, is the largest member organization for women’s shelters and young women’s shelters in the country. Roks aims at safeguarding the common interests of the shelters in their work against male violence toward women.

Roks strives to shape public opinion, and actively works to make the public aware of the reality that the shelters face, as well as to conduct outward dialogues around the issues concerning the shelters. There are currently around 100 women’s and young women’s shelters within the organization.

Roks is a feministic organization working on the rights of women and young women’s rights and liberation, as well as equality on all levels. 

The Women’s Shelters

Each shelter is independent with its own working methods. However, what all the shelters have in common is an emergency helpline where women and young women can call if they need support. All callers can choose to remain anonymous should they so wish, and no one is registered.

The women’s shelters offer support based on the individual needs and wishes of each woman. Perhaps she needs to talk about her situation and her current relationship. She might even need advice about a police report or a custody dispute. It could also be about being the victim of sexual abuse, either recently or several years ago. The women working at the shelters provide conversational support and advice and can also go along as support when visiting the police, lawyers, and social services for example. Many shelters also offer sheltered housing for women and their children.

A number of shelters also have a separate legal hotline. Some shelters have text telephones to cater to women with impaired hearing. Other shelters specialize in receiving adults subjected to incest.

Find a Women’s shelter here.

The Young Women’s Shelters

There are approximately 30 young women’s shelters within Roks, of which around ten are independent organizations. The young women’s shelters work in much the same way as the women’s shelters but turn to younger women who, for example, have been subjected to threats, ill-treatment, and sexual abuse, or, for some other reason, need to talk to another girl. They also actively work towards making the public aware of the girls’ living conditions. The Young Women’s shelters have their own website at

How you can help regardless of your geographical location

If you are reading this, you may be in a position to help. Below, you are able to learn more about the shelters we are supporting.

You can read more about my Sorority Sigma Gamma Rho’s Women’s Wellness Initiative from this link:

You can donate directly to the shelter you would like to support. Those details are below.

You can purchase hygiene articles from Amazon from our list to be delivered to the shelter from this link: Choose Cecilia Heikkinen’s Gift Registry Address for delivery.

If you are familiar with a women’s or girls’ shelter in Sweden we have yet to work with, please share this page with them and email me via adrianne.georgelind (at) I am super happy to add them to our list if they accept our help.

Motala Kvinnojour is a non-partisan and non-religious non-profit association that works for a society free from men’s violence and oppression. The on-call service consists of a board, two full-time on-call women, and non-voluntary on-call women. Motala Kvinnojour’s mission is to be a refuge from violence by offering unconditional support for women and children. If you are in Sweden, you can make a cash donation: Swish 123 0298117 Bangiro: 439-6107. Please note SGRHO.
Alla Kvinnors Hus is a non-profit association that is religiously and politically independent. Our way of working is based on help for self-help. We do not register anyone; you can be anonymous and we have a vow of secrecy. We listen, give advice and support and support you in what you want to do. Alla Kvinnors Hus offers, among other things: Help and support if you are exposed to threats or abuse in any form Sheltered housing for those who have to flee your home Support calls and advice Self-help groups for women who have been abused, incest, and sexually abused Support for contact with authorities Education on men’s violence against women Study circles Information to other associations, police, social services and more. If you are in Sweden, you can make a cash donation: Bankgiro 5614-8190 Swish 123 149 81 46. Please note SGRHO.
The Women’s Association against Violence in Karlskoga / Degerfors works against men’s violence against women, girls, and children. We run sheltered housing, open support activities, and dissemination of information in our area. The activity is aimed at anyone who defines themselves as girls or women. Purchase hygiene articles from our Amazon list for direct delivery You can purchase hygiene articles from Amazon from our list to be delivered to the shelter from this link: Choose Cecilia Heikkinen’s Gift Registry Address for delivery. Or if you are in Sweden you can make a cash donation: Swish  1230927590 or Bankgiro 5115-3930. Please note SGRHO.
Stockholm’s girls ‘shelter is Sweden’s first girls’ shelter with 25 years of experience in supporting and strengthening girls and young women. We are a non-profit feminist association that is politically and religiously independent. The purpose of the association is to support and strengthen girls and young women and reduce repeated vulnerability. To us, anyone who defines themselves as girls and young women between the ages of 10-30 from all over the country can turn to us for support and help. We are available via email, chat, or phone. If you are in Sweden you can make a cash donation: Swish 123 5622 527 Please note SGRHO.
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The association Kvinnohuset Västerås consists of a women’s shelter, a girls’ shelter, and an open, outward-looking business. The women’s shelter and the girls’ shelter work with direct support for girls and women exposed to violence and their children. In the open, outward-looking activities, we work to shed light on men’s violence against women and power balances from different perspectives. We do this with the help of the association’s collective experience of meeting vulnerable girls, women, and their children. We work to highlight women in culture, for example by inviting female writers and musicians. The association also works actively to invite researchers and debaters in the field. If you are in Sweden you can make a cash donation: Swish 123 419 6762 Please note SGRHO.

Thank you! or tack as we say here in Sweden.

Thank you for choosing to support women, their children, and girls that seek help when they are in a domestic violence situation. Every bit helps the women’s and girls’ shelters serve them and us. I will update this page with donation totals.

Soror Lind

Ukraine Crisis: Specific Asks from African Families Relocated to Germany

Last week, we broadcast a special Black Women in Europe audio and video podcast outlining the dire situation in Ukraine for our Diaspora. We hope you consider donating from the links we provided.

I also made a special request to support two African families relocated to Germany. A colleague is personally purchasing and delivering items for these two families, including a pregnant mother.

Hello friend, If you want to post for me again about the family from Cameroon, I’d appreciate it. I haven’t been back to see her since last week, but she sent me some links for some hair products which I am sure she needs. It was several hundred euros. Perhaps that’s a good inspiration for someone to donate! (I’m ordering them in any case of course, but thought it directly relates to your support of the diaspora). I’m going by today with her carpet because I finally got my car back. Stuff to cut her husband’s hair, for braiding, etc. Thank goodness for They have everything and it comes fast.

Sarah Fancy

Can you help these Africans via that Ukrainian Refugee Fund on the Generosity Network? Every little bit helps!

Again, I personally know Sarah and trust her, and know that she is making sure these families get what they need. I’ve asked her to let the families know we are here and if they want to share their stories we want to listen. If they agree to pictures or more we’ll share here too.

But feel free to visit Sarah’s Facebook page to see the work she is doing and see some of the Ukrainian families who wanted to share pictures.

Helping Africans During the Ukraine Crisis

Ukraine podcast

The Black Women in Europe Podcast talked with our brother Kemo of Omek on the efforts to help our Diaspora during the crisis in Ukraine.

YouTube player

View and share the video above. It contains links to donate to the efforts at the Polish border and beyond, as well as direct donations for two African families relocated to Germany.

The needs at the border are immense and for the families in Germany include maternity clothes to pots and pans. Listen to and share the podcast below. The show notes also include the links to donate.

Continued support for Afro Students in Ukraine: Omek News


The Omek team, in collaboration with other organisations, is coordinating efforts to support Afro student groups and people escaping Ukraine. Our goal is to help our brothers and sisters who have been overwhelmed and do not have as many resources.


An Open Call for Community Leaders

With the volatility of current events, Omek will continue to connect with other black communities in the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, and

. If you are part of an organisation providing support, please get in touch with Kemo Camara via kemo (at), who is helping to coordinate our efforts.

Share the link to Omek’s Ukraine Resource List: Omek Ukrainian Refugee Resources

Resources for the African Diaspora in Ukraine. #ukraine #africansinukraine

Black History Month Overseas Voter Registration Event

Tuesday, February 22, 2022, 7 – 8 pm Sweden time

Virtual event join from anywhere. Register from this link:

About this event

I’m registering overseas voters for Black History Month! Register here.

This is COMPLETELY VIRTUAL and you will get live help via Zoom to:

  1. Register to vote. OR
  2. Request your absentee ballot.

YouTube player

And 3. Watch our Top 3 Reasons to Register to Voter During Black History Month video above and share widely.

Free Web Hosting Advantages

Trying to select a reliable free web host can be a daunting task especially with so many service providers and options available nowadays. The task may be more difficult than it is.

Let’s take a look at some of the most popular features that a free web hosting provider should offer:


Disk space and bandwidth

Disk space refers to the amount of storage space allocated to you by your free web hosting provider. This space will be used to store your website files, including text files, images, audio, etc. that you use for your website.

Bandwidth refers to the amount of data transfer allowed on your website. I mean, every time a visitor types your website name in his browser, browses, downloads and browses his files, he consumes the amount of bandwidth.

For example, if your website contains a lot of graphics (such as photographs), you will need more storage space and more bandwidth.


Website Builder & FTP

If this is your first website and you have little experience, look for a free web hosting provider that offers a free website builder app where you can create your own website simply by choosing a template and adding your own text and images.

FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. It’s your website’s file transfer protocol from your computer to your free web hosting server, or vice versa. This allows you to upload finished website files (including images and other multimedia files) from your computer to your service provider’s server. It also allows you to download your files from your web hosting server back to your computer. A good free web hosting provider should provide open FTP access 24/7.


Yes, your free web hosting provider should provide you with email services – so you can set up your email accounts In addition to an easy mail interface (so you can log in and manage your emails using your web browser), a mail service should include Email also has POP3 and SMTP access so you can set up and access email messages using your mobile devices.


Support and professionalism
You should always choose a free web hosting service with good support and a constant presence.

While no host can offer 100% guaranteed uptime (think of issues outside their control, like city power outages), they should keep website and email downtime to a very minimum. These actions may include 24/7 server and network monitoring. While you may not fully understand these technical aspects, look to see if your free web hosting provider has listed them somewhere on their website. If not, ask them about it.


the price
If you are looking for a free web hosting provider, then you should expect to pay absolutely nothing for all the essential features mentioned above. But they may display ads on your site so that they can benefit from your site visits to profit


When Internet users want to view your website, all they need to do is type your website address into their browser. Their computer will then connect to your server and your web pages will be shown to them through the browser.

Most web hosting companies require you to have your own domain ( in order to be their customer. If you don’t have a domain, web hosting companies will help you buy one.

the word for webhosting :   شركة سعودية رسمية لاستضافة المواقع