Spring 2022
Help us identify every University in Europe & the UK with programs in Black Studies. We’re starting an internship program to help train the next generation of journalists, media professionals, and entrepreneurs from the black community.

Black Women In Europe® Social Media Group
{ideel forening} {nonprofit}
Help us identify every University in Europe & the UK with programs in Black Studies. We’re starting an internship program to help train the next generation of journalists, media professionals, and entrepreneurs from the black community.
Danny Baker of BBC Radio 5 made the ultimate insult to Meghan and Prince Harry by equating their son with a monkey via a Twitter post yesterday. While those who cared are celebrating a new life and a healthy mother, he is tearing down black women and their children everywhere.
Once the shit hit the fan here is what the looser racist had to say to his 500,000+ followers of which at least 91 had liked it before he removed the “let me show you who I really am Tweet” was removed:
?Sorry my gag pic of the little fella in the posh outfit has whipped some up. Never occurred to me because, well, mind not diseased. ?Soon as those good enough to point out its possible connotations got in touch, down it came. And that?s it. ?Now stand by for sweary football tweets.?–Danny Baker
In the meantime, he still has a Twitter account and a job at the BBC. I am steaming. Are you?
Read the Metro article on the racist who tweeted this monkey picture in response to the arrival of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s first child.
Thanks to iDNetwork for alerting us to this via LinkedIn.
Low-income black and Asian women are paying the highest price for austerity. By 2020 they will have lost nearly double the amount of money poor white men have. You wouldn?t know any of this from the current discourse around austerity, poverty and?Brexit Britain: women of colour are consistently written out of the picture.
Women, people of colour and in particular women of colour are suffering the most. And they will continue to suffer disproportionately until 2020, according to research from the?Women?s Budget Group and the Runnymede Trust. If you dig down into their findings you see lone mothers are hit the hardest ? and in this group it is once again women of colour who stand to lose out the most financially. This magnifies a trend that existed before austerity gripped the UK: even before the 2008 financial crash the poverty rates among minority ethnic communities were significantly higher than for the white population.
Read the full story on The Guardian. This is why our work is so important. Help us compile the most comprehensive directory of organizations across Europe that support black women across Europe by submitting their names to contact@bwiesmg.org.
Diane Abbott, Member of the British Parliament, reads out some of the “vile abuse” she has received. The PM has launched an investigation into the abuse suffered by candidates pic.twitter.com/9uunwS6iPx
? Channel 4 News (@Channel4News) July 12, 2017
This is why our work is so vital. Send us the name of organizations in Europe that support black women for our directory.