“We take this incident extremely seriously,” Buckingham Palace said after racism allegations were made against the palace aide by an activist who attended a reception hosted by Queen Camilla

Senior Member of King Charles’ Team Resigns Following Racism Allegations at Palace Event

Source: People Magazine

One of King Charles III‘s top team members at the palace has resigned after claims of racism were made against her by a guest who attended a Buckingham Palace reception to combat violence against women on Tuesday.

Domestic abuse activist Ngozi Fulani says she was repeatedly asked racially-loaded questions about her heritage and background by the palace aide at the reception, which was hosted by Queen Camilla.

In a statement, Buckingham Palace said the member of the royal household has resigned and apologized after “unacceptable and deeply regrettable comments” were made.

Outlining the full conversation on Twitter, Fulani, who was born in Britain and attended the event on behalf of Sistah Space — a support group for African and Caribbean women affected by abuse — claimed she was asked questions like “what nationality are you?” “where do you really come from?” “where do your people come from?” and “what part of Africa are you from?”

The aide at the center of the controversy, called “Lady SH” in Fulani’s tweet about the incident, is widely being reported and referred to on social media as Lady Susan Hussey, 83, a longstanding lady-in-waiting to the late Queen Elizabeth and godmother to Prince William. King Charles recently made her Lady of the Household.

“We take this incident extremely seriously and have investigated immediately to establish the full details,” a Buckingham Palace spokesperson said on Wednesday.

“In this instance, unacceptable and deeply regrettable comments have been made,” the statement continued. “We have reached out to Ngozi Fulani on this matter, and are inviting her to discuss all elements of her experience in person if she wishes.

“In the meantime, the individual concerned would like to express her profound apologies for the hurt caused and has stepped aside from her honorary role with immediate effect. All members of the Household are being reminded of the diversity and inclusivity policies which they are required to uphold at all times.”

Sophie, Sophie Countess of Wessex, Queen Mathilde of Belgium, Camilla Queen Consort, Queen Rania, Danish Crown Princess Mary, the first lady of Sierra Leone Fatima Maada Bio, and the first lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenska pose for a photograph during a reception to raise awareness of violence against women and girls as part of the UN 16 days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, in Buckingham Palace

Left to right: Sophie Countess of Wessex, Queen Mathilde of Belgium, Queen Camilla, Queen Rania of Jordan, Crown Princess Mary of Denmark, Sierra Leone’s First Lady Fatima Maada Bio, and Ukraine’s First Lady Olena Zelenska. KIN CHEUNG/WPA POOL/SHUTTERSTOCK

The racism allegations come as Prince William and Kate Middleton travel to Boston on Wednesday for three days of events leading up to William’s Earthshot Prize awards ceremony on Friday evening.

In a statement Wednesday, a spokesman for the Prince and Princess of Wales said: “I was really disappointed to hear about the guest’s experience. Racism has no place in our society. These comments were unacceptable and it’s right that the individual has stepped aside with immediate effect.”

Fulani attended Queen Camilla‘s palace event to highlight the campaign against domestic and sexual abuse of women. Fulani was invited by Safe Lives, one of the charities Camilla, 75, has long supported.

Following the event, Camilla issued a rare personal tweet on the royal family’s Twitter account.

“Today, a remarkable group of people gathered at Buckingham Palace with one aim – to see the end of violence against women and girls. I was deeply moved and inspired by their stories. With determination and courage, we will see the end of these heinous crimes forever,” she said, signing the message from “Camilla R,” standing for the Latin word for queen, “Regina.”

Royal Insult: Danny Baker apologises for ?racist? royal baby tweet as he swiftly deletes monkey picture

Royal insult

Danny Baker of BBC Radio 5 made the ultimate insult to Meghan and Prince Harry by equating their son with a monkey via a Twitter post yesterday. While those who cared are celebrating a new life and a healthy mother, he is tearing down black women and their children everywhere.

Once the shit hit the fan here is what the looser racist had to say to his 500,000+ followers of which at least 91 had liked it before he removed the “let me show you who I really am Tweet” was removed:

?Sorry my gag pic of the little fella in the posh outfit has whipped some up. Never occurred to me because, well, mind not diseased. ?Soon as those good enough to point out its possible connotations got in touch, down it came. And that?s it. ?Now stand by for sweary football tweets.?–Danny Baker

In the meantime, he still has  a Twitter account and a job at the BBC. I am steaming. Are you?

Read the Metro article on the racist who tweeted this monkey picture in response to the arrival of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s first child.

Thanks to iDNetwork for alerting us to this via LinkedIn.

  1. If you think the picture depicting Meghan’s baby is a. funny or b. not racist, comment here so we can have a proper discussion about why you are so wrong.
  2. Help us build the most comprehensive directory of organizations across Europe that support black women. This tool should be within reach of everyone who needs it. Send your links to contact@bwiesmg.org. Thank you.

Did a British Conservative MP say “nigger in the woodpile”?

In fact, yes she did. Here is the headline:

A Conservative MP has been suspended from the party after it emerged she used a racist expression during a public discussion about Brexit.

Ms Morris has been MP for Newton Abbot since 2010

According to the British Broadcasting Corporation??Anne Marie Morris, the MP for Newton Abbot, used the phrase at an event in London to describe the prospect of the UK leaving the EU without a deal.

Don’t believe me? Click on the image below to listen to her say it courtesy of the Huffington Post UK:

Why in the world would Morris say,

Now we get to the real nigger in the woodpile

when suggesting that just 7% of financial services would be affected by Brexit is beyond me. And apparently beyond the grasp of PM May who acted swiftly saying,

“I immediately asked the chief whip to suspend the party whip,” she said in a statement.?”Language like this has absolutely no place in politics or in today’s society.” ?(source : BBC) That’s a no-brainer but was a necessary statement and move.

And it didn’t stop there.

Leader Tim Farron said he was “shocked” and called for her to be suspended from the parliamentary party.?”This disgusting comment belongs in the era of the Jim Crow laws and has no place in our Parliament,” he said. (source: BBC)

Now why is this a big deal? ?The BBC breaks it down like this:

The phrase originated in the American Deep South in the mid-19th Century and is thought to have referred to slaves having to conceal themselves as they sought to flee north and secure their freedom.

It was subsequently used in the 20th Century – including by a number of leading novelists – as a metaphor to describe a hidden fact or problem.

This is another example why The Black Women in Europe? Social Media Group non-profit is vital. We face attacks like this daily whether others see or hear them or not. It is not in our heads. It is a reality.

You can support us by making a donation and by submitting the names to contact@bwiesmg.org of organizations across Europe that support black women as we build the most comprehensive directory of its kind.

Don’t let the Gollywogs get you down :(

Looked innocent enough. Little did I know when I walked in they would be selling GOLLYWOGS!!!***!!*!

My heart sank when I spotted them. And suddenly the small gift shop felt even smaller and tight as if all of the air has been sucked out of it when I inwardly gasped. I remained cool though and, in Swedish, asked my Swede to take a picture of the Gollywogs while I continued my I’m just looking lap around the store.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a box of Gollywogs before.

Maybe it was my imagination but it felt like I was invisible, at least no one wanted to let me pass easily as I slinked around the shoppers looking at rows and rows of British beach pier souvenir junk. I was the only black person in the store. Just me and the box of Gollywogs. I wondered if they were invisible too to did people come in looking to buy a Gollywog when they visit the seaside.

When we got outside I remarked, that was some racists sh*t (or something to that effect). My Swede asked why I didn’t say anything to the store owners. I replied, no, I’ll blog about it. This is why my non-profit is needed. We need a directory for black women across Europe so no one ever feels alone.

Help us build the largest and most comprehensive directory.