“Five Clicks Up From Trailer Trash” is what she called Meghan Markle

Source: Buzzfeed

A clip of an MSNBC guest referring to Meghan Markle as “five clicks up from trailer trash” on air Saturday has gone viral and is being cited as an example of why she and husband Prince Harry have chosen to step back as working members of the royal family for a one-year review period.

During the MSNBC Live segment, British reporter Victoria Mather, who was incorrectly identified on the show as a “Vanity Fair Royals Watcher,” said that the Duchess of Sussex has been “disrespectful” to the royal family and its protocol.

“I think what is real has really, really upset the British public is that Meghan Markle, who many people consider as only, you know, five clicks up from trailer trash, has actually tried to disrespect the queen,” she said. “And the queen is the most respected person, most respected woman, in the world.”

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