Last week, we broadcast a special Black Women in Europe audio and video podcast outlining the dire situation in Ukraine for our Diaspora. We hope you consider donating from the links we provided.
I also made a special request to support two African families relocated to Germany. A colleague is personally purchasing and delivering items for these two families, including a pregnant mother.

Hello friend, If you want to post for me again about the family from Cameroon, I’d appreciate it. I haven’t been back to see her since last week, but she sent me some links for some hair products which I am sure she needs. It was several hundred euros. Perhaps that’s a good inspiration for someone to donate! (I’m ordering them in any case of course, but thought it directly relates to your support of the diaspora). I’m going by today with her carpet because I finally got my car back. Stuff to cut her husband’s hair, for braiding, etc. Thank goodness for They have everything and it comes fast.
Sarah Fancy

Can you help these Africans via that Ukrainian Refugee Fund on the Generosity Network? Every little bit helps!
Again, I personally know Sarah and trust her, and know that she is making sure these families get what they need. I’ve asked her to let the families know we are here and if they want to share their stories we want to listen. If they agree to pictures or more we’ll share here too.
But feel free to visit Sarah’s Facebook page to see the work she is doing and see some of the Ukrainian families who wanted to share pictures.