We can help each other if we pool our resources, offer moral support and share our expertise.
Take this unprecedented opportunity life has given us to make a difference in our local and global communities by sharing, learning, and giving.
1. Gift your services or products and be included in a curated list of resources for women and families to keep it together during self or government-imposed lockdown.
2. Share your expertise as a panelist in a series of workshops that will cover topics from prioritizing work and life balance to homeschooling.
3. List your online business in our directory exclusively for black women in Europe to be discovered by black women and others everywhere.
The link to the participation form can be found on Facebook in our group for women in Europe and in our group for women around the world.
If you have other ideas we can implement just email me on contact (at) blackwomenineurope.com
I so appreciate your support and what you give me by reading this post. LET’S DO US!
xx Adrianne